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Steven Berkoff cold news 2005-1






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Shakespeare's Villains in Great Britain

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Steven Berkoff's long running and highly recommended Shakespeare's Villains continues with a performance in the Peepul Centre, Leicester on 26 Nov 2005.  Click the image for more details.


Berkoff in One Man

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Berkoff performs his One Man show comprising Dog, Actor and Tell-Tale Heart.  It is on at the Trinity Theatre and Arts Centre in Tunbridge Wells on 8 Nov 2005.  Click on the image for details.


The Secret Love Life of Ophelia

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Hot Fudge Theatre perform The Secret Love Life of Ophelia at the Cricketers Pub in Kingston-upon-Thames.  It is on from 20-22 Oct 2005.  Click on the image for details.


The Trial in Washington, USA

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Scena present The Trial in Washington.  It is on from 10 Sept to 16 Oct 2005.

The actors are Christopher Henley, Kim Curtis, Danielle Davy, Terrence Heffernan, Jai Khalsa, Robert McNamara, Michael Miyazaki, Christopher Moss, Buck O'Leary, Maura Stadem, Svetlana Tikhonov, John Tweel and Jim Zidar.

The artistic team are: Robert McNamara (director), Kimberley Cruce (set), Marianne Meadows (light), Alisa Mandel (costumes), David Crandall (sound), Jessica Wade (masks) and Michael Toscano (Assistant Director).

Click on the images above for details.  The photos are by Ian C. Armstrong.  Thanks to Robert McNamara for the information.

Berkoff Trial


The Fall of the House of Usher

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"Fear, shock and an assault on the senses in Fragmented Ego Theatre Company’s production of The Fall of The House of Usher.

Berkoff’s spooky, gothic theatrical adaptation of Poe’s vampiric tale charts the decay of the last two remaining descendents of the ancient house of Usher. Pedro DeSenna’s Oswald, manifests the sick ramblings of Roderick Usher’s mind, from the first blood curdling scream to the final death rattle. The incestuous relationship between Roderick (Oliver Flyte) and his twin sister Madeleine (Susanna Mayer) who move as one, feeding off each other for sustenance and passing disease between themselves, is brought to a quivering climax as the walls of the House of Usher fall around them.

Director Donna Savery combines trance-like movement, dance and physical theatre with puppetry and a chilling sound design, letting loose the demons, in this eerie Gothic thriller."

It is on at the Etcetera Theatre, London on 6-25 Sept 2005.  Click on the image for details.


An audience with Steven Berkoff in Skyros

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Skros have announced "An audience with Steven Berkoff", one week from 27 Aug-9 Sept 2005.  It is described as a unique opportunity to be in the inspirational presence of a screen and theatre legend. Steven will use mime, play and anything else he feels like, to get your creative juices flowing.  Click on the image for more details.


Shakespeare's Villains, Greek and Kvetch at the Edinburgh Festival, Scotland

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Steven Berkoff performs Shakespeare's Villains at the Edinburgh Festival.  He will be performing at the Assembly Theatre, Edinburgh.

It is on from 13-21 Aug 2005.  Click on the image for details.

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Greek is staged at the Sweet on the Grassmarket, Apex City Hotel, 61 The Grassmarket, Edinburgh.

It is on from 4-14 Aug 2005.  Click on the image for details.

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Kvetch is performed by Horror Show Groodys at the City Theatre, Edinburgh.

It is on from 20-29 Aug 2005.  Click on the image for details.


Metamorphosis in London

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The Woodhouse Players present Metamorphosis on 12-16 July 2005 at the Welsh Church Hall, London.  The actors are Chris Pethers (Gregor), Stephen Balchin (Mr Samsa), Sonja Wardle (Mrs Samsa), Ra Chapman (Greta), Sacha Walker (Chief Clerk) and  Cathy Dodders, Angela Johnson, Stephanie Egbe (lodgers).  The Principal Directors are Carla MacLean and Khadija Cheetham-Slade.

Click on the image above for details.

Berkoff Metamorphosis Berkoff Metamorphosis  Berkoff Metamorphosis

Images by and © Dave Gatward


Berkoff´s Women

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Berkoff´s Women continues touring.  With Linda Marlowe and highly recommended.  Taranaki Arts Festival, New Zealand 27-30 July 2005.  Click on the link for details.



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