Author Topic: What?! You Mean He Didn't . . .  (Read 15624 times)

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Offline Iain Fisher

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Re: What?! You Mean He Didn't . . .
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2008, 12:50:18 AM »
Poor critics do seem to rely on the usual cliches about Ken.  The bit about "Russell's theater-of-cruelty-approach" is interesting- I really can't see the relation to Artaud and his theatre of cruelty.  Maybe the author got carried away.


Offline BoyScoutKevin

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What?! You Mean He Didn't . . .
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2008, 11:36:15 PM »
like it!

Just finished reading "Once Was Enough" by Prof. Douglas Brode. The best way to describe the book is by its subtitle "Celebrities (and Others) who appeared a Single Time on the Screen." In which in 241 words the author reviews Ken's film "The Boyfriend," its director, and its stars Tommy Tune and Twiggy.

And in which the author spends about 10% of the review using such words as "reprehensible," "undermine rather than adapt 'The Boy Friend,'" "a mean-spirited attack on Hollywood vulgarity that was itself more vulgar," "Russsell's theater-of-cruelty-approach," "unpleasant," and "set out to trash."

Then, much to my surprise he reviews Ken's "Tommy," its director, and its star Elton John. He's not quite as verbose this time. Only using such words as "surreal," "psychedelic," and "cartoonish."

Next time: "One Critic's Opinion"