Playwrights > Sarah Kane discussion

Any tips! Vicky

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check out this extract 'love at the extremes', from david grieg's intro to her collected plays:

Archive 27-8-2001

It's almost getting her own back, as befour she denies him but he takes anyway, then she denies him and makes it stick.

Archive 24-8-2001

You could say that in scene 4 of Blasted Cate oppresses Ian...

Archive 22-8-2001

It's important to note that few of her characters are only oppressor or only victim, most have turns at being both. Aleks Sierz quotes her saying she did this intentionally, to avoid making characters one-dimensional.

Archive 22-8-2001

Another theme that crops up in earlyer works is loss of controle. Ian is in controle till the soldier turns up, Hippolytus is in controle till Pheodora dies, Billy is in controle till he meets Marsha, though it all get's a bit messed about with in 'Clensed' as they all at one point lose controle, exept the stripper.

Though I don't know really. though Loss and Love do go together like cat hair and velvet.

Archive 21-8-2001


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