Author Topic: Screening of "The Music Lovers" at The Aero Theater in Santa Monica, California  (Read 7924 times)

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Online Iain Fisher

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I agree, a good eye witness report.

Offline BoyScoutKevin

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Thank-you Rosebud for your report on the screening. There is nothing like getting someon'e personal report on an event. Thank-you again.

Offline Rosebud

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Hi, I just realized that I never reported on the screening.  The theater was nearly full.  Seeing "The Music Lovers" on the big screen was like seeing it for the first time.  I've only watched the film on my pan and scan video copy.  I didn't realize how much of the film I've been missing all these years.  I was also really surprised by how new the print looked -- proof that the film doesn't get shown enough.  It's a shame that "The Music Lovers" didn't win an Oscar for photography.  It was also great seeing "Petulia" on the big screen.  Filmmaker and play write Neil LaBute monitored the Q and A.  He seemed to be a hardcore Russell fan (he also praised "Women In Love" and "The Devils") and mentioned the amazing run of great films that Russell made during the early seventies.  Richard Chamberlain was a very gracious and fun guest.  He talked about receiving a call from Richard Lester about doing "Petulia."  Richard Chamberlain wanted to do the film so badly that he flew to England to meet with Lester.  He definitely wanted to escape his Dr. Kildare role.  Richard Lester described his character as an empty Coke bottle, gorgeous on the outside, but hollow on the inside.  In regards to "The Music Lovers" he spoke very fondly of Ken Russell.  I believe I remember him saying that it was one of the best experiences he ever had on a film.  Before doing the film he was a big fan of Russell's BBC films and really wanted to work with him.  He said that Ken was very charming and fun in everyday life, but on the set he was so intense that at times he verged on being a bit scary.  Richard talked about how the famous honeymoon Train scene with Glenda Jackson took hours and hours to shoot and that between takes he and Glenda were shell-shocked.  He also talked about his piano skills, since in the film we see him actually playing during the piano concerto.  He said that it was really important for Ken to pan and tilt from the keys to his face without cutting, thus Chamberlain studied and put a lot of time and effort into learning the piece.  Richard said that he was classically trained on the piano as a child, but couldn't play nearly as well as whoever played on the soundtrack.  After "The Music Lovers" ended I heard people everywhere in the theater talking about how amazing the film was, which made me feel great.  I'm hoping successful screenings like this will get "The Music Lovers" released on DVD.

Online Iain Fisher

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Wish I was there.  Seeing The Music Lovers in the cinema again, and I really like Petulia, one of the films he did to get rid of his television Dr Kildare image.

Offline Rosebud

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For those people living in, or perhaps visiting the Los Angeles area, at The Aero Theater in Santa Monica they are having a two a day Richard Chamberlain tribute.  The dates are April 30th and May 1st.  Richard Chamberlain will be there both nights.  The films being screened are "The Last Wave," "Petulia," and of course "The Music Lovers."