Author Topic: Dog/ Actor in Salford UK and Norway  (Read 12619 times)

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Offline Iain Fisher

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Dog/ Actor in Salford UK and Norway
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2023, 11:44:38 PM »
Two Steven Berkoff one-man plays, Dog and Actor, are performed in Kristiansandin in Norway on 8 Sept 2023 and at the Quarry Theatre in Bradford, UK on 21 Sept 2023.  It is a Threedumb Theatre production.

Directed and Performed by Stephen Smith.  Dramaturgical Support from Michael Blundell-Lithco and Scott Le Crass.  Sound Design by Stephen Smith and Paul Richardson.

"Two explosive and comedic short plays written by Steven Berkoff, performed back-to-back by the same one actor.  The first play: DOG follows a day in the life of a racist football hooligan and his beloved pitbull terrier, Roy, who changes his life. The second play: ACTOR is a spoken word monologue which delves into the heart of the acting industry, humorously and poignantly portraying the trying life of a struggling artist.
Without the use of any set or props, DOG/ACTOR presents a masterclass in physical theatre and comedic storytelling, promising a thrilling theatrical experience."

"Ikke gĂ„ glipp av denne spennende teateropplevelsen! Kanon Produksjon samarbeider med Threedumb Theatre pĂ„ tvers av landegrenser for Ă„ bringe denne enestĂ„ende oppsetningen til Norge for fĂžrste gang. Engelske Stephen Smith stĂ„r alene pĂ„ scenen og presenterer DOG/ACTOR uten bruk av scenografi eller rekvisitter. Stykkene blir fremfĂžrt rett etter hverandre og gir publikum en mesterklasse i fysisk teater og komisk historiefortelling.  Det fĂžrste stykket, DOG, fĂžlger en dag i livet til en rasistisk fotballhooligan og hans elskede pitbull terrier, Roy, som forandrer livet hans. Det andre stykket, ACTOR, er en spoken-word monolog som dykker inn i skuespillerbransjen og pĂ„ humoristisk og gripende mĂ„te skildrer det prĂžvende livet til en artist som sliter."

More details are here