Is England a happy place? Not according to Russell who was born, raised and lived most of his life in England, and half of whose theatrical films are--seemingly--set in England.
French Dressing
I haven't seen it, so I can't talk about whether the characters in it are happy or not.
Billion Dollar Brain
I have seen it, but I don't remember whether any part of it supposedly takes place in England.
Women in Love
Seemingly, for me, the film is saying that to find happiness one must reject society's values to find happiness. For to try to maintain society's values is to find unhappiness.
Savage Messiah
The characters are unhappy in France, and when they move to England, they continue to be unhappy, for the most part.
Who said: "That religion is the opiate of the masses." The title character is unhappy for most of the film, and most of the other characters seemed to be so doped up on religion, that they don't know that they should be unhappy.
To be continued . . .