Michael Caine, actor
"Midnight in St. Petersburg," "Bullet to Beijing," "Billion Dollar Brain," "Funeral in Berlin," "The Ipcress File." Five appearances as Harry Palmer. Douglas Jackson, George Mihalka, Ken Russell, Guy Hamilton, Sidney J. Furie. Five different directors. Who was the best and why?
Oliver Reed, actor
"Women in Love," "The Devils," "Tommy" In which one did you give your best performance and why?
Glenda Jackson, actress
You won your first Oscar for your role in Ken Russell's "Women in Love." You won your second Oscar for your role in Melvin Frank's "A Touch of Class." Which Oscar meant more to you and why?
Alan Bates, actor
As an admitted bisexual playing a bisexual character based upon a bisexual writer in Ken Russell's "Women in Love," did your bisexuality help or hinder you in your performance?
To be continued . . .