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Glenda Jackson on directors she has worked with - on BBC Radio 4


Iain Fisher:
You can watch the programme online.

"He could be absolutely ghastly, he could be rude- not to the actors, I give him credit here- and, you know, he could scream his head off and be furious, and them thirty seconds later he’d be completely stuck on a rock somewhere and anybody who had an idea he would listen to, and listen to openly and properly and not infrequently those ideas would trigger something in him and he would do it.

But he was a marvellous marvellous director to work with, I think, because he had images, visions.  It was always with him something that was seen and was set, the image, it was the vision, it was the idea how the person could physically change or develop that were really the things that triggered  him".

More details are here

Iain Fisher:
BBC Radio 4's This Cultural Life will interview Glenda Jackson including on directors she has worked with.  It is broadcast on Saturday 1 Oct 2022 on BBC Radio 4.  It will also be available live on the BBC Website.  More details are here


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