Hi, i'm a girl from China and in my master days right now~you know, i am not a native speaker so maybe i have some mistakes in expressing myself, please forgive me for that.
My major is English literature and i'm keen on studing british dramas. My teacher suggested me to study Sarah Kane and her plays. I bought her "Complete plays" through my friend studing abroad and really attracted by the words written by Sarah. After I reading those plays I want to do the researches on her and her plays. She's such a great writer.If i have a chance, i do really want to see her plays in theatre. Shanghai has her play"4.48 Psychosis" on in 2006 but what a pity that at that time i don't her.
I'm so glad that i find this website which gather so many people who like Sarah here and discuss their ideas. It just gives me a chance to know more about Kane and share people's thoughts here which will definitely help my reseach. I have accessed to Sarah Kane's homepage and I find that though there are many people in China have already do the researches on Sarah, people abroad still have no idea about it
~There's a translated version in Chinese of Kane's complete plays already in China.I hope one day people abroad will discuss and communicate on british dramatists like Kane togther.
I'm looking forward for the communication with you and i do really appreciate if you would help me understanding and knowing more about Sarah and her plays which will help me doing my reseach.