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Posted by: archive
« on: August 17, 2007, 12:10:26 PM »

Why are u analysing crave? I'm asking because i'm beginning theese days to write my degree thesis on Sarah's work and in particular on the staging of her piƩces in italy.

Archive 14-4-2002
Posted by: archive
« on: August 17, 2007, 12:09:59 PM »

It is interesting to read from an Italian, as I am, about Crave. I am analysing Crave and I would like to know more about it, it is also interesting how you talk about it.

Archive 12-4-2002
Posted by: archive
« on: August 17, 2007, 12:08:58 PM »

This is sort of an emotional report. The kind of review that no critic will write ever..a kind of letter that trough you, that might read it, i'm writing directly to Sarah. Yesterday i've been in Sesto Fiorentino...small place near see Crave at the "Teatro della limonaia". Maybe some of u know that Sarah was there in '97. Being there was important mostly because it was the moment in wich i was fisically closer to her untill now. The show was very good and if u are intrested i will tell more in other messages, but now i feel the need to talk about another fact. About the necessity to fill the space between me and theese person that i've met too late. The power of Sarah's work, for me, being in its nudity, its complete truthness wich has been reached trough a progressive process of undressing the dramatic structure from everithing that could appeare superficial. Reading Sarah...maybe even more than watching a play on stage, is like being there, with her. I need this. I'm sure you understand me. Roberto

Archive 7-4-2002