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Holywood It's Cinema & Other Memories - Ken Russell


Iain Fisher:
I thought I had read all the books by and about Ken, but found on Amazon "Holywood It's Cinema & Other Memories - Ken Russell"

Looking at the contents it has the typical Russell quirkiness- The Projectionist, Matinees, Censorship, Banned, Cinema Decline.

But looking at the back cover

a different Ken Russell.  And it is not Hollywood but Holywood in Northern Ireland.

But it was interesting anyway.  The other Ken's memories of the local cinema.  It covers the local cinema in detail, including the colour of the walls, the position of the doors.  And lots of other minutiae- the winners of the talent competition of 20 March 1964, the price of tickets (cheapest tickets in 1936 were 3d and in 1970 2 shillings and 6d).


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