Hey everyone...welll I just wanted to comment on this as well...I think that both types serve a very real purpose, tho I suppose alot of it depends on the audience as well, mostly I tend to be inclined to things that are of a more serious nature most of the time, but comedy definitely has its place in that too, I mean, you can't be morose and depressive ALL the time (and believe me, I know, I've tried this, it only works for so long a time), the best comedy is often rife with seriousness underlying it as well, you just have to look for it...tho gosh, Jaidn! You don't like Shakespeare! Well, maybe its just because of being an English major myself, and having his work crammed at me all the time ("You MUST like him, you have no choice"!) but come on! He did some good stuff don't you think?
Archive 12-1-2002