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Posted by: Iain Fisher
« on: February 22, 2009, 06:01:19 PM »

I was at the NT bookshop and they had a few DVDs of Berkoff's Coriolanus for sale, so I am certain you will get it.

Posted by: Angeleno
« on: February 13, 2009, 05:01:07 PM »

Thanks for all the great info Iain!  I really appreciate it.  I'm off now to check out that NT link!

Posted by: Iain Fisher
« on: February 11, 2009, 12:26:51 AM »

Nice to hear from you.
The DVD is from the Globe Theatre, Tokyo in 1997.  Berkoff plays Coriolanus and Linda Marlowe plays Volumnia.  The other main cast are Tam Dean Burn, Patrick Drury, Sara Griffith, Michael Jenn, Colin McFarlane and Barry Philips.

I like it, and it is good having some Berkoff Shakespeare on DVD, but Salome, The Trial and East remain my favourites on DVD.

Thanks for pointing out the broken link.  As you say searching the NT site doesn't give you Coriolanus.  However via another route I did find it, on the NT site, apparently still for sale.  I have updated the shop page
so hopefully you can order it.

Best wishes

Posted by: Angeleno
« on: February 10, 2009, 12:02:59 AM »

Hi everyone,

I'm hoping you can help me with a bit of information.  I am considering purchasing the Coriolanus DVD, and I would like to know which production appears on the DVD, the British production or the German production.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

PS -- Iain, you might want to check the link for this DVD in the shop section of your Berkoff site.  I tried following the link to the National Theater site to see if they had the information I'm looking for, and I got a '404 page not found' page.  When I went directly to their shop, they seem to no longer have the Coriolanus DVD listed for sale.