From an interview of Fugard by Miss Ntertainment on 13 Jun 2011.
“I didn’t know there were blonde Greeks,” Athol Fugard says to me as I sit down in front of him to begin our interview.
“You can make yourself a blonde Greek,” I reply back, laughing a little nervously.
I often get asked if I am starstruck by any of the people I interview. Most of the time, not really, but yesterday, when I sat down with Athol Fugard, was one of those times that I was. ...
I interviewed Athol Fugard on Saturday, his 79th birthday, in the New York apartment of his friend and fellow theatre colleague Susan Helferty... In spite of his success, I found him to be humble, approachable and eager to learn to pronounce my name correctly (not many of the people I interview do!).
You can read the full interview and listen to clips here: clips are highly recommended, such as Fugard talking of Zakes Mokae