Author Topic: Bond's The Sea in Birmingham  (Read 10128 times)

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Bond's The Sea in Birmingham
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 10:01:11 PM »
3BUGS Fringe Theatre presents The Sea by Edward Bond.

It is on from 16- 18 Nov 2012 in UTC, The Cadbury Room, St Francis Hall Chaplaincy (next to the Guild of Students).

"When a young man drowns in the rough sea at night, the coastal town which he grew up in is affected drastically. While the dead man’s best friend and fiancée attempt to come to terms with the tragedy, they are drawn together in their sorrow. However in the wider reaches of the town the reactions vary, and while the townsfolk squabble about class, fashion and whom should be blamed for the drowning at the inquest, a man who lives on the beach and speaks to the sea seems to be the sanest of them all."