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Steven Berkoff east


Photos of productions of Steven Berkoff's East

Steven Berkoff East- click for source

"Nobody visits us anymore"
Steven Berkoff's East in Australia directed by John Bolton
with James Ballarin, Andre Jewson, Simon Morrison-Baldwin, James Re, Sarah-Jane St. Clair.   Click on the image for source

Steven Berkoff East- click for source

 "I am a Harley Davidson"
More from Australia.  Click on the image for the source.

Steven Berkoff East with Sylv  Steven Berkoff motorcycle in East

"Oh Sylv, it was thee, yes thy gentle voice did sway me finally to deal out pain" Steven Berkoff's production, available on DVD.

Steven Berkoff East - click for link

"But what's the future lads for us"
By Moonlight's production of East in Surbiton in 2011.  The photo is by Claire Harris.   Thanks to Tanju for the information.

Steven Berkoff East

ByMoonlight Theatre's East on a UK tour in 2012.  Click on the image for the source.

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