I agree about the influence of Camus on Fugard.
There are some obvious direct influences. Fugard directed Camus´ play The Just, and his own version of Orestes has some similarities, in terms of plot, with the terrorists in The Just. And Fugard´s underrated play Dimetos was based on a paragraph from Camus´ Notebooks.
In Dennis Walder´s book on Fugard (the 2003 book- he has two books on Fugard) he quotes Camus “I must bear witness. When I see things clearly, I have only one thing to say. It is this life of poverty, among the vain or humble people, that I have most certainly touched what I feel is the true meaning of life”. That could easily apply to Fugard.
Fugard´s Notebooks mention The Outsider (”the paradox of starting to live when life is over” and The Rebel (“The further I get into it the more light does it bring into those dark and obscure corners of my thinking”).
Generally I have the feeling Fugard was heavily influenced by the novels and non-fiction but less so by Camus´ plays. Camus is a novelist who has done some interesting but not great plays.
What do you think?