Author Topic: Kane and Bond: Pushing the boundaries of British Theatre  (Read 10775 times)

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Offline malmo58

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Re: Kane and Bond: Pushing the boundaries of British Theatre
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 12:05:58 AM »
Aleks Sierz has some good material here :

Good luck,


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Re: Kane and Bond: Pushing the boundaries of British Theatre
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2008, 01:08:42 PM »

While writing I have discovered that I am writing more about the nature of violence in both previously mentioned writers. My dissertation tutor is friends with Edward Bond and so is arranging a Q and A for me. In terms of Sarah Kane I am finding it hard to find more sources about her other than Saunders book. I have written 4k so far with another 6 to go. It is undergrad. I have focussed on three plays by each writer, whch I thought was too broad but my tutor said it was fine.


Offline houdini

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Re: Kane and Bond: Pushing the boundaries of British Theatre
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 02:40:45 PM »
Hi Jamie!

I don't know how long your dissertation is, but if it is an undergrad or MA dissertation you may find that your topic is too vast for your 15000 words. I suggest that you REALLY narrow it down. The notion of "British theatre" or "social conditions" of England can make your research infinite! Why don't you just pick something narrower? Like the notion of "cruelty", "violence" or "radical individualism"? Why don't you pick up a particular play, instead, as opposed to the total oeuvre of a playwright?

Best of luck!



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Kane and Bond: Pushing the boundaries of British Theatre
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2008, 04:42:52 PM »
I am currently doing my research for writing a dissertation on the subject name. I am finding I am hitting a brick wall as I am completely losing focus on what I am actually doing. I have read so much literature that I seem to be confusing myself!

I want to write about how British theatre has hanged and how these playwrights have contributed to that change by studying their plays and comparing it to events at the time eg 'Saved' and the Lord Chamberlain and censorship. I would love to speak to or possibly hear from anyone who has anymore insight into the subject. Especially to do with social conditions and society at the time.
