The performance is coming up soon.
An interesting negative review of a previous performance (17 Nov 2002) in the Financial Times by Ian Shuttleworth.
"... Berkoff, alone and black-clad in a circular pool of light on the Ballroom stage, considers various aspects. He describes the ordinary morning, pre-air strike, in New York City; he hymns America as the world's melting pot; he excoriates Islamic fundamentalism; he recounts his own response on seeing the television reportage in a break from rehearsals; he (too quickly, too facilely) lampoons Bush and Blair's rhetoric in the wake of the events. For one who prides himself on standing outside the mainstream – a view belied by the sell-out houses here – he seems to have taken care to check all the requisite boxes, creating an overall picture that is not so much complex as just muddled..."
"...At times the writing is unfocused: when he speaks unspecifically of "we", does he mean the West in general, the British or even, given his own lineage, the Jews? One can't tell. At other times, he runs away with things: a passing respectful mention of the true compassionate spirit of Islam does nothing to balance the lengthy, grandiloquent sneering about Mohammed Atta and his fellows' supposed visions of their place in paradise as martyrs in a holy war..."
The full review is here: