Author Topic: What happened to Scott Antony?  (Read 124954 times)

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Offline edenjon

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2015, 06:07:56 PM »
Scott Antony's  photo travelogue and poem  films  are  demonstrating increasing appeal.  Now numbering 33  ,  the  latest  is  '  Carving Iceland '  a symphonic  celebration of Iceland's landscape  with  stunning photography.
Some of  Ken Russell's  films  have a fascination with mountains  and their grandeur . There is also that element of  engagement  in Scott Antony's  photo films  of  Jasper  National Park ,  and  the Highlands of Scotland .
Moreover  Scott Antony's poem films ' The Word '  and 'Winter Passing '  have his personal narration  , his first  performance  work since  leaving drama at the start of the 1980's . He demonstrably  still has  narration skills. 
His latest  photo film , ' Carving Iceland '  along with the poem films  ' The Word '  and ' Winter Passing '  are on

« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 11:19:18 PM by Iain Fisher »

Offline edenjon

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2013, 10:07:34 PM »
Scott Antony , has just had a successful wel attended screening of his  photo travelogue short  films  at the Gloucestershire Short Film Festival last Saturday June 1st.  Screened at the historic Greyfriars  conference venue  in Gloucester City.
He has recently developed his  range  of  photo short films   into   art house installation  poetic  pieces    which express  or  illustrate  meaningful experiences of life,  which can be seen on his vimeo page.
His current  project is to visit  the  Soloman Islands to extensively photograph  its natural landscapes ,  wildlife , historical features and living culture of wildlife and people.  Then compose one  or two short films which collectively  reflect  the experience.  He  has indicated  hes  also exploring the use of voice  over  narratives , natural sounds  and perhaps  peotry or prose  as an enrichment  of  his  short film  format.

Offline Iain Fisher

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2012, 10:54:12 PM »
I couldn't make the festival this time, but his films are well worth watching.  And his role in Savage Messiah was so good, his acting and the film itself are very underrated.

He is also a very nice modest person.


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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2012, 08:41:18 PM »
Having seen and loved Savage Messiah many years ago I always felt it was a wonderful performance from Scott and it is without doubt my all time favourite film. Like many people I did wonder what happened to him as I didn't see him after the mid 70's and I was delighted to discover that Scott's more recent work as a photographer/short film maker can be found on the website VIMEO.

I was fortunate enough to meet Scott at the Portobello film festival in London this week, this was a lovely experience for me and  we chatted for quite quite a while. I know Scott went on to do other things in the arts following his acting career but I honestly feel that true recognition for Savage Messiah and Cheri are long over due.
I would say have a look a Vimeo and enjoy!

Offline edenjon

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The creative  multi talented Scott  Antony, was always more than an actor. An individual  with a broad variety  of the arts interests  be it the performing arts  , visual arts exhibitions , photography , film and creative literature. 
In the last decade  his  interests in travel photography  been expressed through extensive travel to  countries such as  Vietnam , the Andes , Peru and  Machu  Puchu, the Canadian Rockies , Vancouver Island , Salspring Island , Alaska , Central Italy and Italian art  and cultural sites  , Spains  Iconic arts  and cultural venues,  Malta, and the Western Islands of Scotland.
Composed in  photographic  short film  travelogues  with music as a narrative ,  they express an accute sense of observation  with a rich  appreciation  of  natural  lights  to compose the pictures.  The sequence of stills  paradoxically  create  a moving  journey  illustrated  significantly by his  five minute film of Condors in the Andes.  Their flight  is  captured in a  series of  frames  that ascend and descent  against the changing natural lights of  the mountains. While  his  short  of Machu Puchu  is a  journey  top and  tailed by   train jtravel   at dawns arrival and a departure at dusk.  In between the size, scale and altitude of the settlement is explored against the  sense of time  cast by shadows  which  illustrate  the  progressing hours. Against this the  colours of the mountain hues change as the sun gradually descends.
His  film of  Vancouver Island expresses a  feeling of  isolation  on a bleak rainy day for a small settlement of wooden houses  with  no apparent .activity  But as  a frame by frame  shot moves towards a window ,  a picture clears to show  an observer gazing back,  Another  engaging series of shots pictures show colourful wild birds flying around colourful caged birds on a wooden porch.
A journey  through Central Italy  illustrates a  travelogue sequence of shots  like an unfolding journey within this short film.  The  cultural icons are ilustrated as  living environments  with  streets reflecting  the colour of  washing  and flowerboxes. His artistic  interests  are also colourfully  illustrated  in the way  the films travel through  moasics  and paintings not as static  features but as  part of  a  creative journey.
To date  Scott Antony has created  18 short travelogue films , which are appreciated where ever they  are seen,  He says of his work  '  My aim  is to try and capture the sense of place as I  found it  , not as a record of what was seen , but to share the experience felt. And for me  a still image lets the moment linger longer more profoundly , all the more so when steeped in sound. I'd like to think  that the things we learn to love and appreciate  in life each other  and the World  around us are pretty universal , some of which I've tried to conjure ' .
Scott Antony will once again be  at London's Portobello Film Festival , this September to personally present three  of his most recent shorts ,  the first a five minute lyrical  piece of poetic photography  illustrating  a colourful rose garden in Spain,  the second a composite  picture  of Malta inspired by  the  landing of St Paul  and subsequent  foundation of  iconic  Churches,  and third film  his most  appreciated  ten minute  travelogue of Machu Puchu.
Thanks to festival sponsors admission is free  of charge to the screenings  at the  Westbourne Studios,  242 Ackland Road,  Nottinghill, London  (  Tube Ladbroke Grove ) on Thursday  September 13th  2012  doors open 630pm  for 7 pm screening

Arthur Ellis

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2011, 07:43:37 AM »
Hello Iain,

I met Scott via a film studies tutor called Bill Beech, based in Sheffield, who knew Scott, and asked him, at my bequest, if he would have a read of the script with a view to making the film.  The film, a two hander, mostly located in a British Rail buffet, sees Scott's character killing time while waiting for a delayed train by patronising a vagrant (played with an upper crust accent by Anthony Woodruff, who had worked, impressively, on A Warm December, directed by Sidney Poitier)

When Scott's character's (he didn't have a name) train was cancelled he manipulated the old man outside and bottled him.  Film was about 20 minutes long.  I used it as my submission to gain entry into the then National Film School.  I think I might have a print of it somewhere.  Perhaps it's a work print.  Not certain.  The ending (the bottling) wasn't affordable.  Also, by which time, Scott had decamped.  So I think I shot some stills alluding to it and inserted those.

As for Psychotherapy (to become Don't Get Me Started) I cracked up on it, about nine days into the Germnan shoot.   I was always prone to crack-ups.  So the film ended up being a film about mental illness being made by someone in the grip of it. It was and remains unreleasable.   Perhaps it would be a hit on the Rampton Special Hospital circuit.  It was only in January (2011) that I knew I was over the experience, and might take a measure of pride in such a grand failure. Hence why I feel able to write a book featuring the experience, and trying to trace the origins of what struck me down.

Hope this is of some interest.  If you know where Scott is, please pass onto him my regards - and email.

Take care,


Offline Iain Fisher

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2011, 12:04:09 AM »

Superb, I didn't know this about Scott Antony.  Tell us more please:
- any way to watch the films?
- how did you and Scott get together?
- what was it like working with Scott- your honesty makes your insight more valuable
- tell us about Psychotherapy

I'll pass on your message if and when I interview him.



Arthur Ellis

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2011, 07:18:01 PM »
I worked briefly, but memorably, with Scott Antony on a film in 1974, titled Terminus.  The film - 16mm, B&W, 20 minutes long, financed to the tune of £360.00 by the Yorkshire Arts Association - then run by the magnificent Nina Hibben - was shot in Sheffield.  The script, which I wrote wasn't bad. But I was inexperienced, arrogant and had bit off more than I could chew.  I was not a good director. (I was later to prove so conclusively and with profound incompetence with my first (and last) feature film, Psychotherapy
Meantime, having stumbled across this website I am very glad that Scott Antony is, and has been an active man.  Whatever he got involved in, whatever he remains involved in, I have no doubt it is supported by a high degree of integrity.  If you read this Scott - many thanks for your help and participation.  Sorry I told you to f**k off.  Glad you didn't.

Take care - Arthur E.


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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2011, 10:22:19 AM »
Warner Brothers released  the DVD  of  ' The Savage Messiah '  on April 12Th , this year  apologies for any recent confusion.  Currently for exclusive release  in the United States region one ,  its distribution  by  Warner Brothers  outside  the  United States  and into  region two is subject to distribution agreements.
However  Warnerr Brothers  are to be  congratulated  for this belated release  of  a  classic gem  of British cinema , a must be seen before you die movie.  Its  sterling performances,  excellent  direction,  and  set locations  all  on  a  relatively  small  budget  recommends it  into   one of best 100 films ever made categories .  In its  marketing  though Warner's  refer to the leads  as  best known for their Theatre  acting.  Yet both  Scott Antony and Dorothy Tutin had  additional  high profiles in Tv  and  Film.  Dorothy's  dramatic career  covered  over four decades  to detailed to mention  fully here ,  but  her  cannon  of significant  roles  are  all  worth  watching.  Particularly  recommended  are  ' The  Importance  of  Being Earnest '  ( 1952 )  as Cecily  Cardew ,  ' The Beggars  Opera ' ( 1953 ) ,  ' A  Tail of Two Cities  ' ( 1958 ) as Lucie Manette ,  ' Cromwell '  ( 1970  ) as Queen Henrietta Maria ,  ' The  Shooting  Party' ( 1994 ),  and  the  sequel  to  ' Gone with the Wind '  called ' Scarlet'  as Lady Fenton.  While her Tv  highlights include  BBC' s   excellent  ' Play for Today ' ,  ' Vienna 1900 '  as Beate Heinold ,  and  '  the Six Wives of Henry the  VIII ' as Anne Boleyn .  All  representing a benchmark standard  of  acting for  actresses.
Clearly her co star in  ' The Savage Messiah '   ,  Scott Antony  needed a gravitas of skills  and ability  to  work  in unison with her , which he demonstrates  excellently. Scott's  screen credits are  in addition to ' The Savage Messiah '  ,  ' Dead Cert '  Directed by Tony Richardson  ( 1974 ) , the sometimes derided ' Mutations '  directed by  Jack Cardiff ,  and his  Tv  work  included  the classic  BBC  Tv series  ' Cheri'  ( 1973 )  directed  by  Claude Whatham  as  the lead Cheri  ( starring opposite Yvonne Mitchell  ) ,  Tv series  '  So it  Goes '  ( 1973 ) as  Eric  Snow ,  and  the  Tv series  ' Angels'  ( 1976 )  as Frank  Rustler  ( starring opposite  Fiona Fullerton ) . He  also appeared across the  decade in episodic Tv  , notably in ' Between the Wars '  ( 1973 ) as  Henry  Abbot  ( The Sliver Mask episode  ) , in between Theatre work  which included performing in the Stratford  on Avon  area ,  and notably  performing in  David Thompson's translation of  Moliere's  play  ' Tartuffe ' at London's Greenwich Theatre  ( 1976 ) also  directed by  David  Thompson  (  notable for  his  later associations with New York  Broadway productions )  , Scott starred opposite  Lenard  Rossiter  ( of Tv's Rising  Damp,  etc ) .  Scott 's  dramatic career  beginning as a RADA graduate  spanned the 1970's into the early 1980's  including involvement in a  video  production company  which produced  corporate artistic  productions.  Its clear  both Dorothy Tutin and Scott Antony deserve  full recognition   for their careers.


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Re: What happened to Scott Antony? RELEASE OF THE SAVAGE MESSIAH ON DVD
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2011, 06:05:32 PM »
Warner Brothers are finally  releasing  'The  Savage  Messiah '  on DVD from 4th December  this year.  Previw  clips  are on  its Warner Brothers  Shop  site , You Tube and other providers.
in its promotional  publicity  its describes  Dorothy Tutin   and Scott Antony as theatre actors.  It  is true   of course that  both  did excellent  theatre  work. Dorothy Tutin , also did  excellent  screen performances in  ' Cromwell ' ,  ' The Shooting Party '  ,  ' The Importance of being  Ernest '  , etc.  While her Tv work  included   ' The Six wivies of Henry the Eigth '  ,   ' Play for Today '  etc.  An outstand  actress with a broad range.
Scott Antony  also had a respectable  Theatre career,  but  his screen work  is also represented in  ' Dead Cert ' Directed by the famous Tony Richardson ,  and  although somtimes derided the Hammer style flick  ' The Mutations '  ( a favourite of  late nite film clubs ) directed  at the tail end of his career  by Jack Cardiff .  Scott's Tv career  included  series  work in  ' So it Goes'  ,  the BBC Classic series  ' Cheri  '   ( as a brilliant lead )  directed by the famous Claude Whadham  ,   and ' Angels ' .  In addition  to episodic  Tv  in dramas  like ' The  Sweeney ' .  In the mid eigthies he was significant in the arts sector , followed by other creative  projects. In more recent years  his personal  project  has  been  creating  photographic short traveloge films  of  overseas destinations ,  which the  view of  others and myself have artistic merit .  Some of these  are likely  tpo be shown at two  London based film festivals  this year.
Im   disappointed  that at this stage Warner Brothers have not informed Scott Antony  of the release of   ' The Savage Messiah ' on DVD or its promotional details. The Savage Messiah is  a part of British film history and deserrves recognition  for all involved in it including its lead. Scott could be contacted  through his many friends in the business  or official channels

Offline Iain Fisher

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2010, 12:18:25 AM »
I just got it, played it a bit but not yet all of it.  Great to see Scott Antony again.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 03:24:57 PM by Iain Fisher »

Offline Iain Fisher

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2010, 11:59:38 PM »
I didn't know about Dead Cert with Scott Antony (and Judi Dench).  It is available as an American region DVD.  I just ordered it, have to wait a couple of weeks for it to cross the ocean then I can see it!!!!

I agree about his creative intelligence and physical theatre skills.  In Savage Messiah he created a role and you could never imagine anyone else in the role.


Offline edenjon

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2010, 11:29:05 PM »
Regards Kevins message :  'Actor's like Scott Antony  have their moment in the spotlight '. 
At the  Rain Dance Film Festival several years ago  which also showed 'The Savage Messiah'   , Ken Russell described  Scott Antony  as having something distinctive and unique . I would  concer  with this  assessment.  He demonstrated a creative intelligence,  physical theatre skills and  a good capacity  for  spontaneous  improvisation. 
I understand Ken had someone else  in mind  for the lead  in the Savage Messiah until Scott auditioned.
Desbite the films arguable initial low key  premiere  and limited release , plus its few TV  and arthouse  screenings it has  always engaged the audience.  The spotlight has therefore been whenever the film is screened .
Scotts physical theatre skills  expressed with  exuberance though  criticised by some as over the top ,  is  none the less  engaging to watch.  Not least for its  improvised  unpredictable spontaneity.  Interestingly the most  powerful moments are in the closing  section  without  his presence   as that  void   of energy  is  evident.  The casting is close to perfection  with a repertory company   of  character relationships  creating a  synergy throughout the film. All the cast perfectly  characterize the technical skills  of  reaction , mood  and emotion. Theres also  of course  a debut  by the young Helen Mirren. 
In the  TV Film/series  ' Cheri '   Scott   demonstrated his  technical skills  in classical acting while also  showing  the  way an actor can use levels of energy, in a contrast to  ' The Savage Messiah '  he  presents  a character evidently holding his energy in  during  a scene where a vase is broken.  The production is of sufficient quality for an American University  to  have  a copy  for use   in their  English literature studies.
Moreover  Scott was active  in  the 1970's decade  in Film, TV and Theatre . Among his theatre  performances  he was directed  in 1976 by the famous  David Thompson in Moliere    ' Tartuffe'   starring opposite  Leonard Rossiter   (  of Rising Damp ,  etc  ) which received  critical  praise.
Allegedly he became bored and  dis satisfied with the predictability of the Angels TV series, but where ever he was given creative  material  he  excelled.
That abundant creativity was  also evident in his  notable  community arts  educational  and  developmental work  in the 1980's.
Although otherwise engaged at the moment, he has  retained Equity membership and never  formally retired or ruled out returning to drama for  any creative and interesting projects.

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2010, 04:27:55 PM »
Further  to the reply.  Scott Antony was the  innovative Director of Gloucester  Arts  from approx 1980 to approx 86.  In which he  opened   up arts provision in the City  and  sought to develop it in the County.  He both implemented  and campaigned  for  arts  provision within the City , producing a City Arts strategy  which  was presented to the Borough Council.  He  also  encouraged  the County Council to develop an arts budget  and strategy, but the  Chairman of the County Leisure Committee  and Council were at that time unresponsive.  Ironically the  facilities he had campaigned for  such as the Guildhall Arts  Centre  and God's Theatre  weakened his  own  Trusts  funding position with the Council.  His  Trust  found the  City Council managed  facility favoured  over  his independent Trust  which  closed  due to  lack of local authority funding.  However  many of   the  arts  initiatives  of today in Gloucester can be traced or attributed to his  work in this period.  In addition  he  stimulated  arts  interests  within Schools and local  colleges  including an innovative  contribution to a TVEI   education programme.
He subsequently  developed  and  is  a partner of a  national  Kitchen  Design  and Tr aiming organisation ,  in which he also presents  accredited courses.
At the last  Edinburgh  Film Festival  Ken Russell  suggested  Scott Antony had vanished, this is not quite so.  He retains membership of Equity  the Actors Union.  In  addition apart from  being a good friend he has always been  helpful in his advice to myself as an entertainer  and actor , and an actress friend  of mine.  He retains an active interest in the arts and drama , and is remarkably preserved in appearance apart from white hair.

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Re: What happened to Scott Antony?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2010, 08:44:12 PM »
I want to thank edenjon for providing that information about Scott Antony. Actors like Scott Antony have their moment in the spotlight, then seem to fade from view, especially if they leave acting and go into some other field of endeavor. Thus, it is nice to know what happened to Antony, and that he seems to have some success after he had left acting.