Author Topic: staging of Phaedra's Love  (Read 13601 times)

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Offline malmo58

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Re: staging of Phaedra's Love
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2009, 01:31:43 AM »
An Australian production last year had an interesting twist, setting the play in a boxing gym :

Offline fingerBalloon

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Re: staging of Phaedra's Love
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2009, 06:08:51 AM »
wow. really interesting concept for the costumes. Where/when is this production happening?

I had a very simple costume concept when I directed a cutting of Phaedra's Love a few weeks ago:

Hippolytus wore grey sweatpants and a dirty white tee shirt. barefoot

The Doctor wore a dresspants and a dress shirt with reading glasses.

Phaedra wore a black, full-length, dress that had a simple greek-like embelishment on the chest.

Strophe had a black skirt and blouse.

Offline Iain Fisher

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Re: staging of Phaedra's Love
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2009, 03:24:47 PM »

Offline Iain Fisher

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Re: staging of Phaedra's Love
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 11:04:06 PM »
A Dutch Phaedra I saw was in a small fringe theatre, so the audience were close to the action- but not part of it.  It was mainly a bare stage, the only scenery I remember were streamers from the ceiling to the floor in the centre of the acting area, and I think a sofa (it was a while ago).

The actors were in modern dress, a small group so no crowd scenes.  The best part of the staging was the killings, a spray can of paint which was sprayed on the throat, so "slitting" the throat.  The dead character then walked off to the side of the stage- exciting and it also avoided the problem of removing dead bodies from the stage.

The production brought out the humour of the play- essential to performing Kane.


Offline malmo58

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Re: staging of Phaedra's Love
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2009, 04:07:06 PM »
The original Gate production of 1996 essentially had a bare stage, while the action took place around some of the audience (there were seats in the middle of the auditorium). Much of the action was in the main stage area at the far end of the auditorium, but the Doctor's conversation with Phaedra was held in a side aisle, the Hippolytus/Priest scene at the near end, and the lynch mob gathered all around the whole auditorium - they threw each other Hippolytus' dismembered organs over the heads of the people sitting in the middle sections.

The only props were the ones called for by the script - eg Hippolytus' telly and pile of unopened birthday presents lying around him; the barbecue for the lynching scene - and a laptop, which Strophe used in the scene where she is described as working.

The cast wore ordinary modern clothes - Hippolytus a jumper and trousers; Phaedra a low-cut dress; Strophe a businesslike jumper and skirt; the single actor playing the Doctor, the Priest and Theseus a black shirt and trousers (adding a dog collar for the Priest and, I think, a white coat for Doctor); the policemen modern riot police uniform.


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staging of Phaedra's Love
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2009, 03:11:42 AM »
Could anyone who has seen Phaedra's Love describe how it was staged in the production they saw? Thank you.
