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Posted by: archive
« on: August 22, 2007, 12:12:38 AM »

Being someone who is drawing their thesis to a close I envy where you are at. But specifically ethics what exactly do you mean? I think I get what you are saying and so I would say the first place and possibly the most imporatant direct quite you'll get out of Kane on artistic ethics and the ethics of representation would be from Rage and Reason. (Stephenson & Langridge, Methuen, 1997)

Archive 6-11-2002
Posted by: archive
« on: August 22, 2007, 12:12:03 AM »

Probably a hot topic in relation to Kane's work is Ethics, but in particular I'm studying, for a thesis, how far Kane goes in exposing the public to such violence, does she cross a line?or is there a line? I'm wondering if, in the books listed in the site, does anyone know one which deals with this subject in particular?Or even comments are much appreciated. Thank You

Archive 3-11-2002