Author Topic: 4:48 psychosis television full of eyes discourse. any ideas on meaning?  (Read 6801 times)

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Offline schwarz

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Yes, that makes sense.  I thought that it might be an echo of Christ's words from the cross, "Behold your mother", but that seemed too much of a stretch. 

Offline malmo58

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There are a number of lines in the play that are perplexing, though powerful.  Has anyone got any idea about the "Look after your mum now" remark?

Perhaps that's the main character's last dying message to a friend?

Offline Sylphide

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take the scene which is just before this one, which is about drugs and looks like a medical files about the patient.

you can find some kind of bounds between the two. As if the direct reaction of the patient wasn't written in the "medical files" but in the scene after. Like, somewhere, in the medical files, they say "short term memory loss". It can be related to the "how do I stop" part, like if the character couldn't remember what she just said... Well, I saw it like this, like the direct effect of the drugs on the patient.

And when I've search about the drugs that are given in the medical part, I found a lot of "nice" informations... (like the akathisia, which is a syndrom that can be "confused" with depression, that appears most commonly with drugs against depression. While the depression si treated by those drugs, the akathisia is just worst by them (sorry for my grammar...). and Akathisia can be directly related to what happens in the "television full of eyes" scene. the information here is not bad :

Offline schwarz

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All of the "interior" ( as opposed to exterior, i.e. with the therapist or an obvious monologue) scenes are, for me, quite difficult to interpret.  I suspect there is a lot of private symbolism that hardly anyone has the key to.  A general rule of thumb is - the more white space on the page, the less obvious the meaning. 

But that said, here's the way I see it.  The main character has just emerged from a chemical regimen that has reduced her to a near catatonic, but has not fundamentally helped.  Hatch opens/Stark light - the first time we hear this.  She is very fragile and suddenly aware (again) of how flimsy and unstable her mind is.  Ideas of stopping the harmful ways of thinking merge into thoughts of suicide (How do i stop?)  Then Please.../Money.../Wife... with the ellipses calling attention to the act of language.  The meanings of words crushes her.  I read somewhere that the dotted line on the throat may be referring to an advertising image with a coupon to cut out.  At any rate the rest of the scene seems to dissolve into the rhythm of madness, with some striking poetry and images that echo other scenes, but with no clear meaning or intent, at least not to me.

There are a number of lines in the play that are perplexing, though powerful.  Has anyone got any idea about the "Look after your mum now" remark?

Offline jkeklk1

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4:48 psychosis television full of eyes discourse. any ideas on meaning?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 01:22:29 PM »
I wanted to thank those of you who helped on the dab flicker scene.  The other discourse that has given me trouble is the television full of eyes and spirits of sight scene.  I have toyed with the idea that it is about paranoia.  But we also hit on the subject of fame in Sarah's life.  THe loss of the artist and the steps toward people knowing her because of fame and those things that fame can do to you.  A dotted line on the throat.... sounds life a contract.  Are things you would go after if it wasnt your art.  Like everyone else.
Does anyone have any ideas or knowledge of which direction this discourse takes?  Are there any clues in the text that can be found in true events that surround Sarah's life?
Thank you.