Savage Messiah: Ken Russell > Savage Messiah: Ken Russell

35th Anniversary Screening of Tommy in Beverly Hills -- Ken Russell in Person

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Iain Fisher:
I got your mail, thanks.

I wasn't there so don't know what went on, and I haven't recevied anything about it (yet) so I am interested to hear your view.

It sounds bad...

Best wishes


Mysterious behavior by Ken Russell at the Academy's special event last night.
I was among those in the packed theatre last night -- perplexed by his 'disconnect' from the interviewer.

Before signing up for this blog to see whether others in attendance have expressed their reactions,
I sent an e-mail to our host, Iain Fisher, to ask whether he's received any communiques
from members of Ken Russell's family, entourage or other informed colleagues,
explaining his bizarre demeanor during what had been a highly anticipated discussion, and Q & A.

Before offering my theories on this mystery, I am hopeful for an enlightened explanation.  
If such does not appear soon, I'll post a more thorough description of what unfolded -- for discussion.

Shade Rupe:
Harry Alan Towers was the producer on Moll Flanders but he passed away last year so no Moll Flanders. It should be removed from the IMDB. Ken made a short called Boudica Bites Back with his wife Elize Russell starring and music contributions by David Massengill that I showed at Sundance in January this year. It's the latest film I'm aware of. I'm also there tonight.


--- Quote from: Rosebud on May 13, 2010, 08:30:07 AM ---I'll be there.  I'll definitely try to ask Ken that question (I too am dying to know the answer). 

--- End quote ---

Thank-you, Rosebud. And when you get back, please give us a report on the screening. I'm sure all of us would be interested.

I'll be there.  I'll definitely try to ask Ken that question (I too am dying to know the answer). 


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