Savage Messiah: Ken Russell > Savage Messiah: Ken Russell

Crimes of Passion in USA


Iain Fisher:
The Plaza Theatre in Atlanta is showing Crimes of Passion on 12 and 15 Aug 2024.

The Plaza Atlanta theatre website is here

More on Crimes of Passion here

Iain Fisher:
Crimes of Passion will be shown as part of the After Midnight film series in Coolidge Corner Theater in Massachusetts.  It is screened on 26 May 2023 at one minute before midnight.

"In the early eighties British enfant terrible Ken Russell traveled to America and placed his unorthodox imprint on a pair of US movies. The first was Altered States, so out-there its screenwriter disowned it. The second was the equally crazy Crimes of Passion, starring Kathleen Turner (Body Heat, Serial Mom) at the height of her powers".

More details are here


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