Savage Messiah: Ken Russell > Savage Messiah: Ken Russell


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Nick Jones:
I thought the Charlotte Bronte project was already in production before Boudica Bites Back. ???

Bravetart: girl-on-girl porn film?  :D "Katt Dander" LOL!!!

Iain Fisher:
I get confused about the Gorsewood films, which are ready, which are available etc.  Here is my attempt to define the situation- your updates please!!

Lions Mouth

The first Gorsewood film, 30 minutes and Ken's first use of a camcorder.  It happened after it became clear Ken would not get a budget for The Fall of the Louse of Usher.  It has a full plot with reporter Diana Laurie seeking out the story of The Prostitutes Padre, a true life story.  It starts off very badly but does gain strength, presumably as Ken became more confident with the Camcorder.

It was shown at a private premiere party but hasn't been shown in theatres or elsewhere.  Ken fell out with actress Diana Laurie (I met her, a nice person) and has partly disowned the film.  I have a copy of the film but have promised never to copy it!!

The Fall of the Louse of Usher

Full length, it has been shown in some theatres- I went to both world premieres, the original Belgium one, then the London one months later.  The London people were not told there had already been a premiere.  It is available on DVD.  Ken originally wanted to film it with Roger Daltry and Twiggy.  It was then conceived as a series available on Internet, following Stephen King's example when King published chapters of a novel on the web.  This never happened but it explains the episodic format.

Hot Pants

Three short films Revenge of the Elephant Man, The Mystery of Mata Hari and The Goodship Venus    There is a trailer for all three films. but they are otherwise not available and not seen.

Hitler's Kitten

Made for comedybox, a short film.  It is no longer on Comedybox but can be seen via the Savage Messiah site.

Boadica Bites Back

It is supposed to be ready but has not been released yet.  Rumours of a comic book to go with it.  Various other rumours.

Charlotte Bronte, Bravetart versus the Loch Ness Monster

Ideas rather than films?  It is NOT thisfilm




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