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Topic Summary

Posted by: Iain Fisher
« on: November 19, 2020, 07:36:37 PM »

A thesis on Blood Knot, "The evolution of Athol Fugard's The blood knot" iby Kim Lauren McKay from 1987 is now available online.

"The published script from the 1960's was not to be the last for The Blood Knot, however, and in the 1980's Fugard turned his attention again to this play. This new, shorter version succeeds without the early poetic stance and natural imagery; it relies instead on a more
forceful tone and a more clearly political message, both of which comment on the artist and his world ".
For more details and the link to the thesis click here
Posted by: Iain Fisher
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:07:37 PM »

An interesting review:

"Fugard’s 1961 play is metaphorical, next-to-plotless and interrupted by surrealism. Under focused direction, a production can develop an internal logic, but this staging by Kevin Jones feels bloated. As the darker-skinned brother, Don Kenneth Mason is fine, but Ben Newman gives a one-note performance as his fairer-skinned sibling. They spend the entirety of the play—close to three hours—in a one-room shack, a space just as claustrophobic for the audience as for the characters. Profile’s Fugard-only season has impressed so far, but its production of his breakout work—which so inflamed the apartheid government that his passport was revoked—lands with a thud."

Blood Knot is at Theater! Theatre! in Portland, Oregan, USA to 17 Mar 2013.

The article by Rebecca Jaconson is here